Monday, March 26, 2012

Integrating AX 2012 with Microsoft Communicator

Great to see how easy it is to connect to communicator from AX 2012. We can integrate communicator with any form/entity where we are creating a new GAB contact with party type ‘Person’. Below are the steps for creating a sample customer and integrating it with communicator:

1.       Create a customer and select the party type as ‘Person’ 
2.       Open the customer details for the newly created customer. Click on the Contact Information tab >> More information >> Advanced


3.       New form opens up on which we can click on New and select the Type as ‘Email address’

4.       Enter the email address and Name and click on the checkbox ‘Instant messenger sign-in’

Save and close the form.

5.       You will notice the status symbol started appearing on the customer form

6.       Click on the status symbol to explore the options available with communicator:

7. Click on ‘Send an Instant Message’ and communicator window opens up.
With this, we are done with the integration of communicator with AX 2012. We can extend this functionality to each and every entity in AX which is related to party table.

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